Between the corridors of greenhouses of a new plastic-wrapped world appear small slums where men and women, who crossed the sea in search of a better life, take shelter. In the heart of this breathless Eldorado, everyone tries to piece together the debris of a world that seems forever lost. The sun burns the ground as all hopes of an escape vanish. Only small everyday gestures can keep hold of time, suffocating its anger.


*IDFA International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
*International filmfestival Assen (The Netherlands)
*International women’s film festival de Créteil (France)
*Doc à Tunis (Tunisia)
*Lima Independiente (Peru)
*Pärnu International Documentary and Anthropology Film Festival (Estonia)
*Fica (Brazil): Best feature film –Trophy Carmo Bernardes
*Milano Film Festival (Italy)
*FilmFestival Oostende (Belgium)
*Inconvenient Films (Lithuania): Special Mention Jury
*Corsica doc (France)
*Festival Les Écrans Documentaires (France)
*Festival A Nous De Voir (France)
*Karama Human Rights Film Festival (Jordan)
*Kino & Migration #2: for the right to have rights (Germany)
*Miradasdoc (Spain)
*La Première Fois (France)
*Al Ard Doc Film Festival (Italy)
*Sembrando Cine (Peru)
*Ecozine (Spain)
*Mostra Internacional de Cinema Etnográfico Museo do Pobo Galego (Spain)
*Festival de Cine Etnográfico de Ecuador
*Festival Internacional de Cine de la Antártica sobre Ambiente y Sustentabilidad (Chili)

*Apricot Tree International Documentary Film (Armenia)
*Filmer à tout prix (Belgium)
*Festival Les Inattendus (France)
*Museo Etnográfico de Castilla y León (Spain)

Cinema :
*Cinema Nova (Belgium)
*Cinema Aventure (Belgium)
*Cinéma Oblo Lausanne (Switzerland)
*Les Grignoux (Belgium)
*Brotfabrik Berlin (Germany)
*Cineteca (Spain)
*La Guajira (Spain)
*Dawar for Arts Development (Egypte)